vendredi 29 janvier 2010

One of the reasons to go home once in a while.


Une des raisons pour aller a la maison de temps en temps.

jeudi 28 janvier 2010

Stayed close to home so far this week.

Things are a little quiet this week after driving over 7000 miles the previous 2 weeks.
delivered my load on Monday, Tuesday off and local work on Wednesday.


Saw part of a windmill in Mitchell, ON.



Took me at least 10 minutes to back it in there.
But it was square in the door.


Truck got a wash while it was home.
All nice and shiny. 
For now.


Just a nice full moon over the shop.

dimanche 24 janvier 2010

Hey good lookin'

3 ans et demie et deja une experte des boulettes de viande.

3 1/2 years old and already a meatball expert.

mercredi 20 janvier 2010

Picture Perfect

Sunrise behind the mountains in Montana.
Lever du soleil derrière les montagnes au Montana.

lundi 18 janvier 2010

Dirty, dirty truck 2.

My long week.


Started the week last week on Monday at home in Ingersoll.
Went to Toronto to pick up an empty trailer.
Then pick-up a load in Strathroy, ON and delivered in Wixom, MI on Tuesday morning.
Went back to Strathroy, empty, and picked up another load and delivered that on Wednesday in Front Royal, VA.
Drove down a few miles to New Market, VA and loaded up some freshly chopped chicken.
Delivered in Brampton, ON on Thursday. Met the city driver there and switched trailers.
Grabbed that loaded trailer and hauled it to here, Calgary, AB.
Dropped the trailer at the client on Sunday, at 1130PM.
That's a 7 days week () and 5977 kilometers, 3705 miles.
An average of 529.4 miles per day.
Now, I ain't moving till tomorrow noon when I go pick up my trailer.

Coucher de soleil en Saskatchewan.