mardi 31 mars 2009

dimanche 29 mars 2009

Artsy with Photobucket edit tools.

This is getting so annoying.

It used to be only at random.
Then it became a regular thing on Monday nights because of "server back-up".
Now it's the second Sunday in a row.

vendredi 20 mars 2009

Ostie qu'l'hiver est long

-3C ce matin.
27F this morning.

dimanche 15 mars 2009

The long wait begins now.

All 3 embryos have been transferred back where they belong and now the long scary wait begins.

Long because gotta wait 13 days for the test to find out if it worked or not.

Scary because it may work or not.
Scary because all 3 could work.

jeudi 12 mars 2009

Trying to force God's hand.

15 000 000 of my guys.
9 of hers.
A few docs.
1 lab.

Now, the hard part, we wait.

lundi 9 mars 2009

Still miss you Mom.

6 years already since you've gone?

Déjà 6 ans depuis que tu es partie?

dimanche 8 mars 2009

lundi 2 mars 2009

So damn nice...

...I got to steal this picture from CoC.
Brawny Built mono-shock sportster: